About Fontus

Fontus is a powerful data analysis tool written in Python and utilizing state-of-the-art frameworks and libraries:

  • Fontus uses Streamlit as its web application framework to build the graphical user interface.
  • The library Bokeh is used to generate most charts.
  • The chempy library is used for atomic weights and parsing of chemical formulas.
  • pymannkendall is used to implement the Mann Kendall test to montonic trends in time series.
  • The main demo dataset is sourced from the opendata portal data.bs.
  • WQChartPy is an open-source Python package for producing water quality charts in a jupyter notebook environment. Fontus has been inspired by its Piper diagram and uses an example dataset from its git repository.

The code for Fontus is freely available on GitHub under a specified license. Plans for further development and additional diagrams and analysis methods are in the works.